Interested in Installing a Stohn Coin Node on a Digital Ocean Server?
Welcome to the Stohn Coin Node Update Guide
Keeping your Stohn Coin node up to date is essential for ensuring optimal performance, enhanced security, and compatibility with the latest blockchain features. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of updating your node from version 3.1 to version 3.2 on a Digital Ocean droplet. By following these instructions, you’ll seamlessly transition to the latest version while maintaining the integrity of your configuration and blockchain data.
If you have any questions or encounter issues during the update, feel free to reach out to the Stohn Coin community for assistance. Let’s get started!
1: Back Up Your Current Configuration
1. Backup configuration file:
cp $HOME/.stohn/stohn.conf $HOME/stohn-conf-backup.conf
2. Backup blockchain data (optional):
tar -czvf stohn-data-backup.tar.gz $HOME/.stohn
Step 2: Stop the Current Node
Stop the running node gracefully:
stohncoin-cli stop
Step 3: Update the Node Software
1. Navigate to your home directory:
2. Download the latest v3.2 Linux daemon:
wget "" -O stohn-daemon-linux.tar.gz
3. Extract the downloaded file:
tar -xzvf stohn-daemon-linux.tar.gz
4. Copy the updated binaries:
cd stohn-qt-linux-3.2
sudo cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/
Step 4: Update Configuration (if needed)
Open the stohn.conf
file to review and update configuration settings:
nano $HOME/.stohn/stohn.conf
Ensure the configuration includes:
# Network settings
# RPC settings
# Seed node settings
with a strong, unique password. Save the file and exit nano (CTRL+X, then Y, then ENTER).
Step 5: Restart the Node
Navigate to the home directory:
Start the node with the updated version:
Step 6: Verify the Update
1. Check the node version:
stohncoin-cli --version
2. Ensure the blockchain is syncing properly:
stohncoin-cli getblockcount